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María Luisa Chico



When we reflect on the paintings of Maria Luisa Chico , we kindly keep in mind the words of Urbano Tavares: " We must not forget that the apparent originality isWhen we reflect on the paintings of Maria Luisa Chico, we may like to keep in mind the words of Urbano Tavares: "We must not forget that apparent originality is often theoretical, mere application of a process, while authentic originality, generally its precursor, arises from the gray mass of the trivial, without the same apparatus of provocation, but with much greater force. As well as the idea that we ought to respect the artist’s effort to maintain "the perfect identification of what she or he believes to love and think and what he or she actually is at successive times and how it is reflected in her or his work."


According to Carlos de la Rica, who was a poet and a painter, and a member of the Real Academia of Cuenca :"Maria Luisa Chico observes nature and the outcome is that light beautifully fixed in her canvases. We can appreciate detail, and the birth of color imposes its truth from a perfect drawing, serene and wise. Each tone spreads in the watery reflections between twigs, the urban landscapes taken from the window, the ceramics and the flowers. The vision of her painting is harmonious, without affectation, with a logic that comes from realistic fidelity, but which escapes it by imposing, in its calm, the radiant entity of colors.Lines are weighed and chromatism alive, worked with wisdom. I think ofa job well done, achieved in a noble struggle to obtain in details the mastery of those who feel comfortable with their craft. Oils, acrylics, watercolors function in order to a pleasant work, touched by grace. 



  • 1963-1968. Earns her Fine Arts Degree at the School of San Fernando, Madrid specializing in Painting. Completes two sculpture courses, one in modelling and one in carving, the last one under Prof. Luis Marco Pérez. At the Prado Museum in Madrid, she makes replicas of paintings by Tintoretto, Goya and Meléndez and at the Museum of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, she copies works by Velázquez and Goya.

  • 1969.  Completes Postgraduate course including classes taught by Prof. Amadeo Roca. Attends live model classes at the Fine Arts Circle, Madrid.

  • 1970.  Attends a modelling course at the School of Ceramics in Madrid and another in lithography under Prof. and Academic Teodoro Miciano .

  • 1971.  Earns a national position as Secondary Education Art Instructor.

  • 1975.  Exhibits works at the Toba gallery in Madrid.

  • 1976-81. Studies Conservation and Restoration of Ancient Painting at the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid .

  • 1982.  Exhibits oil works at the Soto Mesa Art School in Madrid.

  • 1985. Completed Ceramic Sculpture course at Aurora Canedo’s workshop in the School of Ceramics, Madrid.

  • 1995.  Exhibits oil paintings at the Caja de Madrid Art Gallery in Ciudad Real and at the Carmelite Convent in Cuenca, show sponsored by the Cuenca Council.

  • 1996. Exhibits watercolors at the Caja Castilla-La Mancha Art Gallery in Cuenca.

  • 1998.  Exhibits at the Jamete Art Gallery in Cuenca .

  • 2005-6.  Restores six oil paintings of the 17th and 18th Centuries at the church Cristo del Amparo, Cuenca.

  • 2007-9.  At the same church, she executes tempera mural paintings on the St. Catherine chapel dome and lunettes and restores reliefs and several images.

  • 2010. Works on the church Cristo de la Salud in Nohales (Cuenca) where she paints a background altarpiece.

  • 2011-12. Paints a mural for the baptistery of the same church.

  • 2013.  Starts up the García y Chico Foundation.

  • 2016. Opens to the public the Foundation space in Cuenca.

  • 2018. Takes part, together with her Fine Arts classmates, in the exhibition  "HOY ES SIEMPRE. BELLAS ARTES 1968-2018" at the Ateneo de Madrid.

  • 2019. Participates in group show "HISTORIA VIVA", 50 years after graduation, at the Fine Arts School, Complutense University of Madrid.

Garcia y Chico Foundation

Tel: (+34) 969 21 23 94
Address: La paz nº 15

Cuenca, SPAIN 16001

© 2016 by Fundación García y Chico

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